Finished Object Friday #2

Hello Everyone!

Somehow I managed to completely miss Work in progress wednesday, so I’ll do an update on my Giant berry granny tomorrow! That has been my main project for the week, the others have spent some time waiting for me to get fed up with it. But I don’t seem to be getting fed up with it yet, although the rows are getting pretty endless…

But back on topic: Finished objects! I finished my Lindisfarne shawl, but I’m not calling it officially finished until it’s been blocked (which is a necessity in this case!). It turned out a bit small and has me at a loss on how to wear it. I’m regretting altering the chevron rows to make it wider now. But I’ve decided on a plan of action if even blocking does not help. I will add a braid and pompoms and turn it into a cute capelet!

I did finish some other things this week: hexipuffs! I finally picked my dpns up again and got a puffing. I have high hopes of making my goal of 15 for this month! I only have 4 left to go. And one of the puffs I will be sharing today is quite special as it it puff number 25. It sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t when you consider how many you will need to a quilt… So I’ve decided to not think about numbers too much and just go with it and have fun.

These were this weeks first 2 puffs. A purple sparkly puff and a hand dyed brown and blue variegated. Puffs like the second are special because they are made of my first hand dyed yarn ever. And the colours are just really pretty.

I had ordered some yarn in colours that were still missing form my beekeepers quilt form ebay as the pastel yarn I had been using for puffs is so ridiculously soft. I ordered a light orange an bright yellow and a glorious midnight blue. The blue is the exact colour of my favorite shade that the sky turns just before full dark.

Isn’t the colour amazing? It almost seems to give off light!

The yellow did not agree with my camera unfortunately. It is quite a bit brighter. It actually borders on neon… The puff with the bow is number 25! (I have a grand total of 27 now I think) I have decided to give every 25th puff a bow in one form or other. Might be tricky to come up with enough different ways of adding a bow! The puff on the right was an experiment. I’ve decided to call it a success as in reality it’s quite charming. I wanted to do something different and so made an intarsia puff. I forgot that the switching to the yarn from side to side would create a seam down the middle, but the duo puff is quite cute. It somehow reminds me of a bum!

That’s all for this week. I’m heading back to my granny blanket to take some pictures for tomorrow!

Will be linking up with Tami’s Amis again!

Lots of love,
